Creating storyboards can be a time-consuming task, especially when iterations are involved
To help speed things up for you, we’ve brought together some of our favourite Boards tips & tricks! What are some of your favourite tips? We’d love to hear about them below
Use the Tab key to quickly move through the note fields when adding or editing the Label, Sound & Action notes.
Use Markdown to add bold or italic text and insert website links. This type of formatting will be visible when viewing your storyboards through the shareable link.
Hold the Shift key to select multiple frames at one time.
Hold Command + G to group frames together.
Double-click on a frame to quickly access the Image Editor.
Use Command + Z to undo an action in the Image Editor.
Use Command + Shift + Z to redo an action in the Image Editor.
Copy an image in the Image Editor with Command + C.
Paste an image in the Image Editor with Command + V.
Use the left bracket ( [ ) to decrease the brush size in the Image Editor
Use the right bracket ( ] ) to increase the brush size in the Image Editor